23rd Wexham Airway Group Workshop 

Monday 30th September 2024

John Lister Postgraduate Centre

Wexham Park Hospital

8:00 Registration and Coffee



8:35 Welcome and Introduction. Dr Andrew Levison, Consultant Anaesthetist and Airway Lead, Wexham Park Hospital, Frimley NHS Trust 



08:45 Airway Damage  from intubations. Mr Declan Costello, Consultant ENT surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Frimley NHS Trust


09:25 Airway Assessment. Dr Tiina Tamm, Consultant in Anaesthetics and ICU,  Wexham Park Hospital, Frimley NHS Trust



10:05 Awake Intubation. Dr Henry Jefferson, Consultant Anaesthetist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust


10:45-11:15  Coffee


11:15-13:00  Airway Workstations


13:00-14:00  Lunch


14:00-15:45  Airway Workstations


 15:45-16:15 Tea


16:15-17:15  The Human Factor in Airway Management. A Pilot’s and Anaesthetists perspective Dr Andrew Levison and  Captain Dave Fielding from Wing Factors


17:15 Close 


Approved for 6 CPD points


Students £100

Nurses/Registered Practitioners £150

Doctors £200


Lunch and refreshments will be provided


Please make payments via BACS:

Wexham Airway Group

Account Number: 31554210

Sort Code: 60-05-30


If you would like to  attend please contact wexhamairwaygroup@gmail.com or tel 01753 633195


If you do make a payment please email the address below and we will issue a receipt. 

“Very enjoyable and informative day” 

“Overall I found the course really useful for my practise”

“Thank you very much. Super study day”

“All the stations were very informative and will make me a better ODP”